How Can You Support One Million Lives: Free Mental Health App
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How Can You Support One Million Lives: Free Mental Health App

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

We recently became aware of a fantastic initiative by Jacobs called One Million Lives.

Mental health professionals from within the Jacobs organisation have developed a free mental health tool which enables users to 'check-in' and assess their current state of mind. It even provides further suggestions for personal growth.

We love this free tool as it is a great help to better understand the many factors that contribute to overall mental health. One Million Lives is all about positive mental health and wellbeing.

The goal is simple to help reduce the stigma around mental health. The challenge is to take five minutes to check-in, then pass it on to five others. The earlier you can understand your mental health can make all the difference.

The Vision

To start a movement that reaches over one million people globally by:

  • Equipping people with a tool to understand and improve their mental health, creating ripple effects as we encourage sharing it with friends, family, and colleagues.

  • Encouraging open conversation about mental health and knowledge sharing to reduce stigma

  • Creating a legacy that people are excited and proud to be a part of

How you can support

Start the conversation on Social Media. Jacobs have put together a fantastic resource of digital assets and media copy that you can utilise as suggestions to share on social media. To achieve the goal of touching over one million lives, they need your help.

Suggested social media copy: I’m proud to support #OneMillionLives by taking a mental health check-in – and invite you to do the same. Let’s reduce the stigma and promote positive conversations about mental health...working together, we can achieve over 1 million mental health check-ins #OML

1 in 6 of us are currently struggling with a mental health challenge. Understanding mental health earlier can make all the difference. Take 5 minutes to check your mental health, then encourage 5 others to do the same. Together we can touch #OneMillionLives #OML

#OneMillionLives it’s in our hands. 1 million people die by suicide every year, and 1 in 4 experience a mental health issue. I’m playing my part by taking the mental health check- in to let others know we’re in this together. Help us achieve 1 million check-ins #OML

This year more than any other, we’re all in a global health marathon. Mental health strategies might at least help us feel like we are doing it with better shoes on. Take 5 minutes to check your mental health, then encourage 5 others to do the same. #OneMillionLives #OML

We’ve never waited for others to solve our problems - and the problems of #OneMillionLives are in our reach. With you beside us, we can reach so many millions more. Help us lead the way in tackling the leading cause of disability worldwide, mental health. #OML

What if it was in our hands to turn ripples of suffering into ripples of hope? Starting conversations to help end the stigma around mental health that has held us back for so long. Supported by technology to create personalized real time support. #OneMillionLives #OML


Head over over to the One Million Lives app, check-in then share with 5 others.

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