Learning Along The Way: Teaching Kids Environmental Awareness

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

At this point in humanity's existence, passing on eco-friendly virtues is an absolute must. The world needs help, and parents need to step up to teach environmental awareness to their children. With parents also uncertain about how to make a dent in the state of the environment, how can they pass on such virtues unto their children? Thankfully, there are several ways how!

Lead By Example

The very first educators in a child's life are the parents. As such, parents can start to teach by providing good examples for their children to follow. Personal responsibility is learned at home so moms and dads can start with life lessons like teaching proper fire safety protocols and the effect that non-biodegradable stuff does to the environment. Furthermore, by creating a new, environmentally aware generation of humans, fathers and mothers might learn how to be better world citizens themselves. Indeed, there is always a lot to learn to be more eco-conscious; showing kids with examples is to learn how to be more aware of the footprint left on the planet.

Let Technology Help

Children, as well as adults, spend a lot of their time in front of a screen. Instead of viewing technology as a foe, parents can consider it an indispensable ally in educating their children about the environment. Parents may try to utilise available resources online that provide critical information that they may pass on to their kids about how the environment benefits from urban gardening projects. Technology can also educate parents on how to do more eco-friendly things around the house, like going zero-waste in food preparation.

Make Recycling A Family Habit

One of the simplest yet effective ways to be eco-friendly is by recycling regularly. To properly instil this virtue into the coming generations, parents must effectively turn it into a family habit. Witnessing parents do it time and again will teach them how to do it and help them understand its importance. An excellent example of what they can learn is to push governments to treat nuclear waste properly. It can't be "hidden away". It needs to be dealt with properly, just like you do with the regular garbage.

Adopt Other Eco-Friendly Habits Along The Way

Fossil fuel is still the number one propelling force for transportation on Earth. That being said, there are always options to diminish carbon footprint, like riding a bike, going for a walk, or using roller skates. Teaching children how to ride a bike early on and enjoy the freedom of two-wheeled transportation is crucial. Also, carpooling and taking public transport to minimise car usage can prove to be an excellent lesson. Ensuring they understand that it is a decision to protect the planet rather than the easiest or most comfortable is an uncanny message. In the same vein, making sure no lights are on unnecessarily and avoid using incandescent bulbs is excellent teaching. Reducing energy (and water) waste is a perfect way of relieving the human burden on the planet.

Regardless of how tired adults have become about the environment, it is not too late to instil better virtues into the coming generation. Children can and will make a difference. Saving the environment is a matter of paying attention, loving nature, and going the extra mile to protect it. Indeed, small but regular eco-friendly habits can make a world of difference. Making eco-consciousness an integral part of a child's education and bringing up environmentally aware kids who can change the world might be the key to a better future.